Borge og Voldsteder i Nordsjælland

Turen rundt tager ca. 2-3 timer i bil - placeringerne er ikke kørestolsegnede. Tag på en historisk rejse rundt til de Nordsjællandske borge og voldsteder. Mærk historiens vingesus imens du betragter de bygningsværker vore forfædre byggede i middelalderen. Husk at få set stederne - det er faktisk ret fedt! Husk at logge cacherne ved Asserbo GCW9A4, Dronningholm GC5TZEG, Grønholt GC1E847 og Gurre GC67TYE. The tour takes approx. 2-3 hours by car - the seats are not wheelchair accessible. Take a historical trip around the North Sea castles and places of violence. Feel the wingspan of history as you consider the ancestral works of our ancestors built in the Middle Ages. Remember to enjoy the locations - they're actually pretty neat! Remember to log the caches at Asserbo GCW9A4, Dronningholm GC5TZEG, Grønholt GC1E847 and Gurre GC67TYE.

Created by IsabellaMolly

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