Maribor ima veliko znamenitosti, ki jih boste verjetno obiskali tudi brez Adventure Laba. Jaz pa bi vas rad povabil v mestni park, na katerega smo Mariborčani posebej ponosni. Obiščete ga lahko poleti ali pozimi, zjutraj ali zvečer, podnevi ali ponoči in vsak bo v njem našel kaj zase. Otroci naj poiščejo igrala in akvarij, starejši pa se v miru sprehodite po lepo urejenih poteh mimo treh ribnikov. Nagrada je že sprehod sam, vi pa vseeno poiščite še bonus zakladek GC8GWNE.
Maribor has many attractions that you will probably visit without the Adventure Lab. But I would like to invite you to a city park that Maribor's people are especially proud of. You can visit it in summer or winter, morning or evening, day or night and everyone will find something for themselves. Let the children look for playgrounds and an aquarium, while the older ones take a walk along the beautifully maintained paths past the three ponds in peace. The reward is a walk itself, but you can also search for the bonus cache GC8GWNE.
Created by NiSEM
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