Da v naglici ne bi pozabili, kako lepi hribi/gore nas obdajajo v Kranju, je nastala tale avantura.
Na vsaki točki boste prepoznali pogled na hrib/goro, ujet med drugimi objekti. Naslovne slike na stopnjah (kliknite na njih za povečavo) predstavljajo površino na kateri stojte, da boste lahko videli prave vrhove. Točke so na 'peš razdalji'.
Na lokaciji zadnje stopnje te čaka istoimenski bonus Mystery Cache (GC856BT) - namig za bonus te čaka v 5. stopnji te avanture.
POMEMBNO: Adventure je rešljiv le podnevi in v jasnem vremenu!
Kranj is surrounded by beautiful mountains. On each stage you will recognize the summit - standing on the surface that is on the image of the stage (click on image to enlarge it). Everything is on walking distance. You can use app like PeakFinder for help.
On the location of last stage there is a bonus Mystery cache waiting on you (GC856BT) - hint for bonus is in 5th stage of this adventure.
WARNING: Adventure is doable only in daylight and not too cloudy sky!
Created by Sokol^2
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