EN: Town Sevnica is located on the left bank of the Sava River. In the last 3 years, it is also known as the second most important city in the world, right after Washington DC :)
The first written mention of Sevnica dates back to 1275, with a German name Liehtenwalde. The most beautiful view is from Sevnica Castle, where the old town is in the palm of your hand with the river Sava in the background. There are beautiful walking and cycling paths along the Sava River.
For bonus cache, you will need data from A to E.
SLO: Sevnica se nahaja na levem bregu reke Save. V zadnjih 3 letih je znana tudi kot drugo najpomembnejše mesto na svetu, takoj za Washingtonom :)
Prva pisna omemba Sevnice sega že v leto 1275, kjer je z nemškim imenom Liehtenwalde. Najlepši pogled je iz Sevniškega gradu, kjer vam je staro mestno jedro kot na dlani z reko Savo v ozadju. Ob Savi so speljane lepe sprehajalne in kolesarske poti.
Za bonus zaklad boste potrebovali podatke od A do E.
Pripravil / Created by: Mkonci :)
Created by Mkonci
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