Det nu forsvundne Rungsted

🇩🇰 Dette adveture lab er lavet med inspiration fra bogen "Fra det nu forsvundne Rungsted". Tiden har ændret Rungsted fra et lille fiskeleje til en stationsby og sommerresidens for det finere borgerskab. I dag er Rungsted en pendlerby, men er den dag i dag også et yndet udflygtsmål, især Rungstedhavns resturanter og cafér. Men hvordan så her ud før, dette Adventure vil tage dig med rundt til "det nu forsvundne Rungsted". Bonus cache GC8XMDT tæt ved “Rungsted stejleplads” 🇬🇧 This adveture lab is made with inspiration from the book "From the now lost Rungsted". Time has changed Rungsted from a small fishing village to a station town and summer residence for finer citizenship. Today Rungsted is a commuter town, but to this day it is also a favourite escape destination, especially Rungstedhavn's resturants and cafés. But how did this look like before, this Adventure will take you around to "the now lost Rungsted". Bonus cache GC8XMDT close to “Rungsted stejleplads” Pictures: Hørsholm Lokalarkiv

Created by cowie

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