Documented history of Ptuj started in the summer of 69 when Roman historian Tacitus placed an important event in the political history of Ancient Rome to antique Poetovio. In almost two millennia, Ptuj survived the turbulent history and kept the unique character of an old town under a magnificent castle.
All locations are daily accessible from 9.00 to 17.00. Mobile network signal is available everywhere. Don't forget to find the associated bonus cache GC8CC7F.
Dokumentirana zgodovina Ptuja sega v poletje 69, ko je rimski pisec Tacit v antični Poetovio postavil pomemben dogodek v politični zgodovini starega Rima. Ptuj je skoraj dve tisočletji kljuboval negotovim časom in ohranil edinstveno podobo starega mesta pod mogočnim gradom.
Vse točke so zanesljivo dostopne od 9. do 17. ure. Mobilni signal je povsod dober. Ne pozabite poiskati bonus zaklada GC8CC7F.
Pripravili / Created by: crko&Co, icabrian, NiSEM in/and Slovenski Geocaching klub.
Created by SLO Geocaching Klub
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