Prinasime vam prvni serii 10 medvedich labek, ktere vas provedou krasnym prostredim nachodskeho zamku a prilehle Aleje Kateriny Zahanske az ke staremu vojenskemu hrbitovu. Na kazde labce - zkumavce - najdete kod pro odemknuti a zalogovani. V popisu pak najdete zakladni info o miste. Doporucena trasa je podle cisel labek.
Tyto LAB kese je mozne lovit v sobotu 28.4.2018 od 9:00 do jedne hodiny ranni. Zalogovani je mozne do deseti dnu.
M@x, Dasa a Ludvik
Welcome to the first series of 10 Bear Lab Caches that will take you through the beautiful surroundings of Nachod castle and adjacent Alley of Katerina Zahanska to the old military cemetery. On each Lab Cache - a test tube - you will find a code for unlocking and logging. In the description you will find the basic information about the place. We recommend to follow the order of cache numbers.
These Lab Caches may be hunted on Saturday April 28, 2018 from 9:00 am to 1:00 am. Logging is possible within 10 days.
M@x, Dasa and Ludvik
Created by M@x
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