Mariborski obrambni zid je bil zgrajen med leti 1255 in 1275. Stranice so bile dolge 500 metrov, skoraj povsem ravne, višina zidu je bila 8–10 metrov in debelina približno 1 meter. Okoli zidu je bil 30 metrov širok jarek. V 14. stoletju so izboljšali obrambo z gradnjo vogalnih stolpov, utrdb in kasneje 5 stolpov na severni strani mesta. V obrambnem središču je bil opazovalni stolp. Nekateri stolpi in deli mestnega obzidja, so se ohranili do danes. Obiščite jih in poiščite bonus zaklad GC8W294.
Maribor defensive wall was built between 1255 and 1275. The sides were 500 metres long and almost completely straight, it was 8–10 meters high and around 1 meter thick. In the front of the wall there was a 30 meters wide moat. In the 14th century they started to make improvements on the wall by constructing corner towers, forts and later 5 towers on the north side of town. In the defence centre there was a watch tower. Some of the towers and walls were preserved until today. Visit them and find bonus cache GC8W294.
Created by jasand+1
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