Nekoč je na mariborski Piramidi stal grad. Gradovi so zmeraj burili domišljijo ljudi in tako so se med Mariborčani razširile govorice o skrivnem rovu, ki naj bi povezoval grad na Piramidi z novim mestnim gradom. In čeprav je to verjetno samo zgodba, se pod Mariborom v resnici skriva poseben svet. Mesto pod mestom. Namen tega labka je, da vam jih razkrije in v vas vzpodbudi žilico po raziskovanju. Pri nekaterih lahko podzemlje tudi obiščete, svoje vtise pa vpišite v GC8Z691 AdvLab Bonus Maribor Underground.
Once upon a time there was a castle on the Maribor hill named Piramida. Old castles have always fulfil the people's imagination and so rumours spread among the people of Maribor about the secret tunnel from the hill of Piramida to the castle down there. Although this is probably just a story, a hidden underworld really exists under the Maribor. City under city. And this lab will reveal it to you. You can also visit the underground. Write your impressions to GC8Z691 AdvLab Bonus Maribor Underground.
Created by NiSEM
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