Oskar Lutsu "Kevade" radadel

EST-Oskar Luts (1887-1953) oli eesti kirjanik ja farmatseut. Ta sündis Palamuse kihelkonnas. Tema tuntuimad teosed on Tootsi-lugude sarja kuuluvad "Kevade", "Suvi" ja "Sügis", mille tegevus toimub Paunveres (Palamuse). Postuumselt ilmunud "Talve" autorsus on kaheldav, kuid mitte välistatud. Raamatute põhjal on valminud samanimelised filmid. Seiklus "Oskar Lutsu "Kevade" radadel" viibki teekonnale kohtadesse, kus seiklesid Lutsu tegelased. ENG-Oskar Luts (1887-1953) was an Estonian author and apothecary. He was born in the Palamuse parish. His best known works are called "Tales of Toots" and include "Spring", "Summer" and "Autumn", which take place in Paunvere (Palamuse). The authorship of the posthumously published novel "Winter" is dubious but not out of the question. The novels in the "Tales of Toots" series have led to several films with eponymous titles. On the trail of Oskar Luts' "Spring" will take you on a short hike to some of the places that Luts' characters visited. VANAD FOTOD: Minu isa albumist

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