Karlova kirjandus

Karlova on kindlasti üks Tartu ilusamaid linnaosi, mis on ka väga hästi säilinud. See seiklus juhatab teid Karlovasse, kus Karlova Selts viis 2018. a. Eesti Külaliikumise Kodukant toetusega läbi projekti Karlova kultuurijälg 100, mille käigus valmistati 15 majale tahvlid seal elanud kirjanike kohta või sellest kandist kirjutatud tekstidest. Karlova is definitely one of the most beautiful neighborhoods of Tartu, which is also very well preserved. This adventure will take you to Karlova, where the Karlova Society with the support of the Estonian Village Movement Kodukant, in 2018 conducted the project Karlova's Cultural Footprint 100, in the course of which boards were made for 15 houses about the writers who lived there or from texts written in this area

Created by Helksu

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