Historic Goulburn

Welcome to my home town! Goulburn has so many interesting things to see and do so I thought I would highlight a few. Ones you have probably driven by so many times but have never stopped to really look at. The land that Goulburn was settled on was first passed by Hamilton Hume and John Meehan in 1818. The plans for the township were originally laid out closer to the property of Riversdale but were soon relocated to the current location in 1832-3. Grafton Street was the original 'Main Street' of Goulburn and has a number of significant houses. I have picked out my favourites to highlight for you along Grafton and Sloane Streets. Note: There is a bonus Mystery cache (GC8XNWN) which you will be able to find after you complete this Adventure Lab.

Created by minniek

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