Balti Jaama Turg on Eestis unikaalne universaalturg, kus kaubeldakse toidukaupade, tööstuskaupade, käsitööga, vanavara- ja antiigitoodetega ning palju muuga. Turul on vastavalt hooajale kuni 300 erinevat kauplejat.
Kauplemine toimub kolmel erineval tasapinnal ning ka väljaspool hooneid kioskites ja müügilettidel.
Seiklusele on peidetud lisaks boonusaare "Turule!"
Punktid on hoones sees, ära kasuta punktide leidmiseks GPSi ja kaarti. Liigu ringi.
Balti Jaama Turg (Baltic Station Market in English) is a unique universal market in Estonia where people can buy and sell food, manufactured goods, antiques and much more. There are almost 300 different merchants and shops at the market.
Trading takes place on three different levels and in the kiosks and stands outside the buildings.
There is a bonus cache for this adventure called "Turule!".
Points are inside, don't try to find them with GPS and map! Just look around.
Created by -laur-
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