This is the "Van der Valk Express Lab" Adventure which guides you around the Van der Valk Hotel Volendam Resort. Just have a quick look around, you will love it!
All places are open for the public and free of charge, so don't worry - even if you are not a guest of Van der Valk :-)
You may ask you what "Express" means? Well, you can solve this Adventure Lab even if you are in hurry. All you need are 10 minutes of your time!
We hope that you enjoy our little Tour. You can't do wrong. All the available questions are multiple choice options, so we are sure, that you will solve our Adventure Lab successfully.
There is a Bonus-Cache called
[Lab-Bonus] (Nav red Klav)* Express Lab (2022)
(* = crypted due to reviewer restriction)
available as GC9ZN8K, which you can find here:
Viele Grüße aus Asperg (Landkreis Ludwigsburg, Bundesland Baden-Württemberg, nördlich von Stuttgart, Deutschland, Europa, Planet Erde) von GeoOliC.
Created by GeoOliC
Use your phone's native QR code scanner to open this Adventure in the Adventure Lab® mobile app. Learn more.