This Adventure Lab is located along part of the Norwalk River Valley Trail in Wilton which can be completed by foot or bicycle (approximately 1.75 miles round trip). HOW GOOD ARE YOUR POWERS OF OBSERVATION? Upon reaching each destination, you will be asked a question about what you saw along the trail. Don’t worry if you missed it! The one-word answers will be scrambled. Unscramble the letters and you are all set. HOWEVER, CAN YOU ANSWER MORE QUESTIONS BASED ON YOUR OBSERVATION THAN UNSCRAMBLING THE ONE WORD ANSWER? I think your powers of observation will serve you well! The coords for parking are N41 11.012 W73 25.182. The trailhead is on the opposite side of the road (careful crossing) at N41 11.064 W73 25.165. NOT TO MISS ANY CLUES, YOU MUST START THIS AL AT THE TRAILHEAD. Oh yes, once complete, you'll have the coords to a bonus cache in Shenck's Island Park (GC9TGVP) located in Wilton Center. Driving recommended. Good luck!
Created by The Ax
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