Det Gamle Ribe

Bonuscache: GC8EHP3 DK: En lille tur rundt i Ribe for at besøge nogle markante steder i byens lange historie. Ribe er Danmarks ældste by, og blev grundlagt i år 704-710. Den startede som en handelsplads for datidens vikinger. Byen fik sit navn efter det olddanske ord "ripa" der betyder striber/strimler, og menes at være navngivet således fordi jordloderne på markedspladserne var smalle strimler af land. I byens historie findes også mange danske hekseprocesser, mest kendt er Maren Splids, der blev brændt på bålet i 1641. ENG: A short trip around Ribe to visit some prominent places in the city's rich history. Ribe is the oldest town in Denmark, and it can be dated back to 704-710. The city started as a trading post for the vikings. The name "Ribe" is derived from the old danish word "ripa" meaning stripes/strips and it's believed to be named after the trading lots, that was narrow pieces of land. Ribe also had many witch trials, most famous was Maren Splids, who was burned in 1641.

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