American Nightmare Mall

Welcome to the American Dream Mall, a multi-year boondoggle in the swamps of East Rutherford partially subsidized by the taxpayers of New Jersey. Labeled by then Governor Christie as the "ugliest building in NJ", the development plan was originally hatched in 1996, 25 years prior to the publication of this Adventure Lab. Four governors, several developers, and approximately 5 billion dollars were spent to build this "style and entertainment destination". Some of the planned tenants have since gone bankrupt. In a sea of parking lots, crushing rush hour traffic and epic crowds from Jets and Giants games, there is little public transportation to the site. Good luck finding your car in the color coded parking garages. On a positive note, the murals covering the acres of doors of the empty stores are whimsical art pieces that are a joy to view. Parking is free most times, but not on game days. Check this website for information:

Created by GothamNJ

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