Greve landsby

Velkommen til Greve landsby Denne adventure vil tage dig på en rundtur i landsbyen, som er et af de mange små landsbysamfund her på Hedebo egnen, der stadig er afgrænset af grønne marker. Kirken er fra omkring 1175, men her har formodentlig været en træ kirke inden. Turen rundt anbefales at tages til fods, og den tager under en time. Startstedet peger på et sted, hvor det er muligt at parkere bilen. Welcome til Greve village This adventure lab will take you on a trip trough this small village, which is one of many small villages in this area called Hedebo. This village is still surrounded by green fields. The church is very old from about 1175, but there has probably been a wooden church before that. I recommend that you take the roundtrip on foot, and it takes less than a hour. The starting point is a place, where parking i possible.

Created by pottele

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