Embark on a Journey of Happiness: Geocaching Adventure Labs in the Kingdom of Bhutan
Bhutan, the Land of the Thunder Dragon, is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and commitment to Gross National Happiness. Geocaching Adventure Labs offer a unique way to experience the beauty and serenity of this enchanting kingdom.
While you may not be physically visiting the sites, these non-sequential Geocaching Adventure Labs offer a unique way to experience the essence of Bhutan through its stories. As you unravel the mysteries of each Adventure Lab, you'll be transported into a world where time seems to stand still and happiness is the ultimate pursuit. Through the stories embedded in these labs, you'll gain a deeper appreciation for the unique culture and traditions of Bhutan.
Bhutan captured my heart from the moment I set foot on its sacred soil. Its pristine beauty, spiritual traditions, and infectious happiness left an indelible mark on my soul.
Bonus Cache: There is no bonus cache in this series.
Geofence: The geofence for each Adventure Lab location is 250 meters. Please stay within this radius to trigger the stage and access the information needed to complete the adventure.
Photos: The images used in this Adventure Lab are either my own or generated by OpenAI DALL-E. Enjoy the visual journey as you uncover the secrets of each location!
Created by roraima
Use your phone's native QR code scanner to open this Adventure in the Adventure Lab® mobile app. Learn more.