Covert Ops

A recreation of the highly regarded "Covert Ops" Mystery/Multi cache close to how it existed in 2007/2008, back in the days before Smartphones and Social Media. Your reward at the end shall be the coords to the original cache, still in it's original condition as it was hidden 14 years ago. This is a large scale multimedia adventure, visiting locations quite far apart (but not quite as widespread as the original). You can expect 30 to 40 miles of driving in total. Mobile Data usage is required at all locations, but should you be unable to play the videos, you will still be able to answer all the questions to move to the next stage. Don't attempt to head to the placeholder coords of the Adventure Cache, instead head to a footpath off Scotland Lane, Yeadon to get started. Sat Nav LS18 5HP. History: The original start of the adventure involved decypering an audio clip, then hunting down Two TBs with the partial coords. The TBs were toy pencil cases, which contained tools required for the mission.

Created by Jaz666

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