Cherokee Road History

This Adventure takes you through early California history along an old country road. You will visit the ghosts of old mining towns and pioneer cemeteries, cross the top of Table Mountain and visit the Ecological Reserve. Find an extra cache along the way. Take your time, the road is very windy but the views are spectacular. Visit during the springtime to enjoy the amazing wildflower display on Table Mtn. You can begin your journey on Cherokee Rd at Hwy 70, aprox 11 miles north of Oroville and head south, or begin in Oroville on Cherokee Rd off Table Mountain Blvd and go northeast. The trip is a little more than 10 miles long and will take about 1-2 hours to complete. All answers are accessible from a car or within a short walk from parking but I hope you will take the time to explore these historic sites. Cell service can be sketchy in the area so I have provided wide geofencing to accommodate for cellular dead zones. If you use a separate GPS device, coordinates are provided in the location descriptions or via GPX file at: Waypoints are titled 'Cherokee Rd AL'

Created by G0ldNugget

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