The Demise of Anna Graham

This is a puzzle Adventure Lab inspired by one created by The Gator Bait Four in Brunswick, GA, which is one of my all-time favorite ALs. I hope this one brings as much fun to you. Anna Graham is buried in Berry Highland Memorial Cemetery. Her demise came from an aneurysm suffered while attempting to solve a particularly difficult puzzle cache I had created. I felt terrible being the cause of her final moments of torment and anguish leading to her subsequent death. So, I created this Adventure Lab as a tribute to her puzzle-solving tenacity exhibited right up to her last, gasping breath. Go to each set of given coordinates and find the grave marker and/or monument in the associated picture. Find the requested information there to solve the presented riddle. The individual points must be done in sequential order and you will receive the coordinates for the BONUS cache, GCA2JCH, on completion of the adventure. If you can't figure out what you're supposed to do, the AL title provides a hint.

Created by Ol'Fogie

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