Westlawn Cemetery - Famous Residents

Westlawn cemetery is CLOSED Saturday, visitation hours at the bottom below. This lab will take you on a tour of some of the most noteworthy residents of Westlawn cemetery. I find getting to know the residents can make cemeteries even more interesting and I hope you find this true as well. This tour includes a writer, the creator of the Harlem Globetrotters, a movie critic, a silent film starlet and an alleged criminal. When you are in range you can answer the question either by locating the specific item where the answer is found or by using the photo associated with each location. Don't forget to collect the clues for the bonus geocache. Please be respectful of: 1) the dead, 2) the other living visitors and 3) the hours of Westlawn cemetery. Westlawn Cemetery is CLOSED Saturday Open Sunday 9:30AM–3:45PM Open Monday - Friday 8AM–4:15PM

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