This Adventure was created by the Carnivore Coexistence Action Team (CCAT), a group of Issaquah residents who are working to reduce human-wildlife conflicts through easy-to-implement strategies and to foster appreciation for local wildlife. The CCAT and the Issaquah Parks Carnivore Project camera trapping study are both parts of the Coexisting with Carnivores program. Woodland Park Zoo, Issaquah School District and the City of Issaquah co-facilitate this school and community engagement program focused on community-developed strategies to prevent human-wildlife conflict in the region and foster a sense of pride for local wildlife.
This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
The 10 adventure stops can be completed in any order and takes 1 to 1 1/2 hrs to complete. Best parking options: Issaquah Community Center, Confluence Park, and E. Sunset Way trailhead. Come along to learn about bears, cougars, coyotes, bobcats, and raccoons and discover how we can coexist!
Created by IssaquahCarnivores
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