Westbury was founded as a village garrison in 1828 by Governor George Arthur and became a thriving agricultural centre with a rich farming heritage. Today Westbury is renowned for it's English country character and Celtic charm. The oak trees, hawthorn hedges, village green and colonial architecture offer a view into the town's past.
The Westbury Silhouette Trail has eight locations and we've featured five of them. The full trail is approx 3.5 kms long and it's recommended to allow an hour to complete on foot, if you choose to drive from one location to another there should be plenty of parking available.
Our cover photo is of the silhouette of John Peyton Jones, appointed Police Magistrate in Westbury in 1841. He was also the person credited with the idea for the line of chained guard dogs at Eaglehawk Neck to try to stop convicts from escaping from the Port Arthur area.
Created by sharnie's tribe
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