Det gamle Nykøbing Sjælland

Nykøbing Sjælland er en by på Nordvestsjælland i det nordlige Odsherred ved Isefjorden. Den er købstad, men har ikke længere nogen betydelig handelshavn. Nykøbing nævnes tidligt blandt Sjællands købstæder. Byen har vistnok fra start ligget nordligere i den del, som senere kaldtes Nørrefjerding, og som var beliggende omkring kirken. Husk Bonus Cache: GC9QG8R Nykøbing Sjælland is one of the oldest market towns in Zealand, first mentioned in the last part of the 13th century, although the local church dates from the first half of the 13th century. The town was destroyed by followers of Marsk Stig in 1290, and it has since been swept by several fires. The town and surrounding land was pawned by the crown to the Diocese of Roskilde in 1370 but was redeemed by Queen Margaret I. In the Middle Ages, the town was known for its harbour and its role in herring fishing. Remember Bonus Cache: GC9QG8R

Created by Carina Toft

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