Bridges to Kungsholmen

Kungsholmen is one of 10+ islands in Stockholm’s city centre. There are 11 major bridges connecting Kungsholmen to other parts of Stockholm. You will visit 5 of them in this Adventure. All locations give a panoramic view over Stockholm’s waterways and a close encounter with the busy traffic. The estimated time for this Adventure is 1,5 to 2 hours if you go on foot. If you go by bike or on foot, I recommend following the Kungsholmen shoreline as much as possible. Between S:t Eriksbron (#4) and Tranebergsbron (#5), you can either follow a very scenic shoreline or take a shortcut. The total Adventure will be 8 km long with the shortcut and close to 9 km in the other case. At each location you will receive a two-digit code when you answer the question correctly. These codes must be used if you want to log the Bonus cache (GC8QPYG). You can visit locations in any order but I recommend ending at Tranebergsbron (#5) or Västerbron (#1) if you plan to log the Bonus on the same trip.

Created by MGoran

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