Bardsey Island North

PLEASE NOTE: Mobile phone signal on Bardsey is non existent so you will need to prepare before you set off! We have set the distance so that you will be able to open the stages before you set off and can log the answers once you return to the mainland, the lab builder has reduced the distance limit to 500m, you will need to download fake gps app to log when on mainland. Bardsey Island is a remote and magical place it is well worth the effort to get there with only one existing traditional cache and now SSSI it needs some labs to put this amazing place back on the caching map. The tiny Island of 20,000 graves is full of history, seals, sheep and just 4 all year round humans! Bardsey is at the end of the North Wales Pilgrims route, and one of the holiest places in Britain famed for the 20,000 graves of saints. Locals say that if you dig anywhere on the island, you’ll hit a body. A short 20 minute ferry ride for an amazing 4 hours of history, wildlife, and crystal clear waters.

Created by fairyspan

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