In this Adventure, you will meet Riley the Raccoon, an adventurous spirit whose curiosity about the natural world has caused her to get lost in Garden City Park. Help Riley solve clues that will lead her back to her home in the heart of one of Richmond’s best “hidden gems” called Paulik Park!
This is a sequential Adventure Lab because it uses a storyline. Each park has 4 different location questions. Players can walk, bike, or drive a neighborhood street to get from Garden City Park to Paulik Park (Ash St. is best). There are no washrooms at Paulik Park.
This Adventure incorporates 2 short videos and several infographics that share naturalist facts about wildlife and park history.
Remember to stay on the trails and respect these beautiful parks!
Created by RichmondGeocaching
Use your phone's native QR code scanner to open this Adventure in the Adventure Lab® mobile app. Learn more.