Welcome to Howe Sound, one of the southernmost fjords in North America!
This Adventure Lab will guide you along the Sea-To-Sky corridor between Horseshoe Bay and Squamish; making stops for historical and geological lessons along the way. You should allocate about 1.5 hours to complete this Adventure, though it will take longer if you make detours for nearby geocaches.
Questions on this Adventure often comprise multiple parts. Type the answer to each question in the order they are presented. For example, if the question was...
"In what year was the first geocache hidden? What order (animal) is Signal, Geocaching's official mascot?"
...then you should type "2000 frog" as your answer. In addition, spaces and letter casing do not matter, so the following are all acceptable alternative responses.
– 2000 Frog
– 20 00FROG
– 2000 fRoG
Created by Hügh
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