An verschiedenen Ecken lauert die Vergangenheit. Häufig läuft man an diesen achtlos vorbei. An fünf ausgesuchten Orten werden wir sie nun herauslotsen. Schaue dir die Videos (am besten mit Kopfhörerunterstützung) an und beantworte danach die Fragen.
Viel Spass auf Zürichs Spuren der Vergangenheit!
tarant75, 20. November 2019
The past lurks in different corners. Frequently you walk past them carelessly. At five selected places we will now guide them out. Watch the videos (preferably with headphone support) and then answer the questions.
If you aren't fluent in German: Each lab cache has a link. You can watch the video directly on Youtube. On Youtube you can change the language of the subtitles under the cogwheel symbol (settings) to "English". (Don't set the subtitles in the app because it could lead to a crash.)
Enjoy Zürich's traces of the past!
tarant75, 20th November 2019
Created by tarant75
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