Napoleon Dynamite

Cacher: What are you going to do today, Napoleon? Napoleon: What ever I feel like I wanna do. Gosh! I'm gonna take Trisha to the dance. What do you think? Idiot! Our favorite awkward teen, Napoleon Dynamite, needs your help. He wants to take Trisha to the big dance but first he needs to do his chores, deliver the dance invitation to her, check out his best friend Pedro's new bike, and find a sweet suit. Will you help him on his quest? This tour will take you to some of the locations around Preston where the movie was filmed. This adventure lab includes links to a few short YouTube video clips. However, it is not necessary to watch the videos to complete the lab. They will just enhance your experience. Three of the locations are private residences. Even though the first one invites you to stop and take pictures, I have structured the questions to be easily answered as to not make them nor you feel uncomfortable.

Created by Oreoshakers

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