Traces of Stephen King

This adventure will lead you through Seiersberg and its immediate surroundings on the traces of the author Stephen King. Knowledge of his works would be preferable, but everyone will be able to do this Adventure. Just to give you a quick glimpse at the huge range of King's books, here are a few movies that most people know, but maybe don't know that they were written by Stephen King: The Shawshank Redemption (IMDB Top 250: #1) The Green Mile (IMDB Top 250: #26) Shining (IMDB Top 250: #72) Stand by Me (IMDB Top 250: #217) Carrie, The Mist, Misery, The Running Man, 1408 and many, many more. The locations need to be visited in order and all the additional information should be noted - this will help you find the bonus cache. To get all the locations, you need to travel about 7km. Most parts should be ok by bike, but the last few hundred metres might be dangerous. If you don't have any transportation device and think that you're getting tired, try reading "The Long Walk" by Stephen King

Created by Kriagl13

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