Sprehod po Ljubljani / Walk around Ljubljana

Welcome to Ljubljana (loo-blah-nah), the capital of Slovenia. Built on the location of ancient Roman Emona, Ljubljana was first mentioned in the 12th century. The origin of the tongue-twisting name is unclear, some scholars support the popular opinion, that it is derived from Slovene word for love. This adventure will walk you to some of the well or less well-known locations. To find the associated bonus geocache in Tivoli park, you will need the information (A-J), provided in the Journal entries. Dobrodošli v Ljubljani. Najbrž veste, da je tu nekoč stala rimska Emona, mesto Ljubljana pa je bilo prvič omenjeno v 12. stoletju. Mnenja o izvoru za tujce neizgovorljivega imena so deljena. Avantura vas bo popeljala do znanih in manj znanih točk. Za bonus zaklad v parku Tivoli boste potrebovali podatke (A-J) iz dnevnikov posamezne lokacije. Adventure created by / Avanturo pripravili: dr.gumpi, icabrian, Larsus cisalpinus, Kremenčkovi, Krossnik, mirobori, pikacu, Zoya83 and/in Slovenski Geocaching klub.

Created by SLO Geocaching Klub

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