Iron Industry Ruins

Beginning with the industrial revolution in the 1820s, the demand for iron products for factories and consumers increased through the mid-1800s. The iron industry in Land Between the Lakes contributed to a regional industry that stretched from Western Kentucky to the southern counties of Middle Tennessee. The rivers provided cheap transportation to markets. Today, only two of our eight furnace stacks remain: Great Western Furnace and Center Furnace. Other markers of this thriving industry include shallow ponds that were once iron ore surface mines, cliffs of limestone from mines long abandoned, barren circles in the forest that were once charcoal hearths, and even, in some locations, railroad beds. The posted coordinates will take you to the Golden Pond Visitor Center. This a central location for starting this adventure. Maps, information, refreshments, and restrooms are available for your adventure. You will visit 5 locations in order to answer questions and gain clues to a future Bonus Cache.

Created by trailhound1

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