Welcome to Budapest, Capital city of Hungary! The city is divided by the Danube river in two parts, Buda side where the hills can be seen, and the Pest side where we have plain land. The Danube has eight bridges in Budapest, but we will visit the five bridges of the inner city: Margaret Bridge (Margit híd), Chain Bridge (Lánchíd), Elizabeth Bridge (Erzsébet híd), Liberty Bridge (Szabadság híd) and Petofi Bridge (Petőfi híd).
The solution of all points are the years of building or inauguration. These datais and more info can be found at www.bridgesofbudapest.com/bridges. The total length of the tour is less, than 2 km, I suggest that most pleasant visit is doing the walk by crossing each bridge.
Üdvözöljük Budapesten, Magyarország fővárosában! A várost két részre osztja a Duna, a budai oldal, ahol a hegyek láthatók, és a pesti oldal, ahol a terep sík. A Dunának nyolc hídja van Budapesten, de mi a belvárosi öt hidat fogjuk meglátogatni. Részletek: www.bridgesofbudapest.com/bridges
Created by jbako
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