Elk City Art Walk

Elk City is a small business district of Charleston, WV. It is on the west side of the Elk River and extends to the railroad tracks that run along the base of the west side hill. The Elk River splits the west side from the downtown area. The east end is on the other side of downtown. The Interstate also runs along the Elk River. Charleston city leaders have allowed many murals and art displays around the city. This Adventure Lab showcases a small portion of some of them. Park in Bream Presby Church lot. These will be done in order and it would be recommended to do the art walk in the daylight. Hope you enjoy this art walk and feel free to explore other murals and art displays around town. Scroll down on the Completed Description page to view the clues for the bonus mystery cache final coordinates in "View 5 Journal entries". The bonus mystery cache is GC8Z5PB and incorporates this Adventure Lab. Good luck!! Note: If any problems, re-install the latest version of the "Adventure Lab" app.

Created by GotBoots?wv

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