Canberra AM

Canberra has a long history of AM (medium wave) broadcasting. The first station (2CA) opened in 1931 and despite many rumours of the demise of AM broadcasting, it is still going strong. Good earth conductivity is required for AM stations, so they are usually located in swampy areas and also have a "ground mat" buried for some distance surrounding the mast. The height of the mast is related to the frequency. Usually the lower the frequency, the higher the mast. Another interesting fact is that the mast *is* the antenna (not just a support). They sit on large insulators to isolate them from the ground. This Adventure Lab takes you to the five active AM broadcasting transmitter sites in Canberra. All locations are outside the boundary fences. Please do not enter as these are dangerous places! Each location will give a clue to the location of a bonus mystery cache (GC8XW1X).

Created by Pacmania

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