Bend's Historical School Walk

While survey teams explored Central Oregon in the 1840s and 1850s, it wasn’t until the 1870s that the first permanent settlement was established in the area. Some 35 years later, in 1905, the town of Bend was incorporated with a population of 500. In those 35 years, Bend welcomed four schools – a frontier cabin, a trappers cabin, a frame-built cabin and a three-story wood frame school building located near our present-day courthouse. Take a moment to think about that. Four schools and the town technically was not yet a town! Central Oregonians certainly saw the value in education! This Adventure Lab will give you a tour of five locations, each in some way connected to the early school beginnings of our community. All five locations are within walking distance of downtown Bend giving you the opportunity to see other historical sites along the way. By parking close to the first location, your walking distance is about 1.3 miles, including the bonus. Watch for Bonus cache info at each stop!

Created by djkfisher

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