Musical Mystery Tour

This short Adventure Lab (<1km) will take you accross 5 locations in Brussels center showing you less-known places and street art with a link to music. From Rock n' Roll to Hip Hop, you will need either to answer a question about the location, find the solution to a riddle or use your musical knowledge (Google is fine as well). You will need to be physically on site and have an internet connection the whole way. When completed, you will get the coordinates for the BONUS GC8G7M5. In case you get stuck, in 3 of the 5 Lab Caches you will be able to view a video which will provide a hint... or even the answer. The video is in the description of the Lab Cache. As long as you didn't find the correct answer, you can go from the question back to the description without any issue. ENJOY !!!

Created by $Dannyboy$

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