Assens - en nutidig middelalder by

Det historiske Assens Assens blev tidligt en købstad. Byens velstand ses bl.a. af den store Vor Frue Kirke. 1600-tallet var Assens Havn et meget vigtigt overfartssted for de mange stude, der blev eksporteret til det nuværende Tyskland og Holland. I 1800-tallet tog udviklingen for alvor fart, for industrialiseringen kom tidligt til Assens. I forb. med nederlaget i 1864 og Lillebæltsbroen fra 1935 mistede Assens dog sin centrale betydning. Men kig selv på turen rundt. Baggrundsbillede er fra den nordlige port. The historic Assens: Assens became a market town early. It was a wealthy town, as can be seen from the large St. Mary’s Church. During the 17th century, Assens Harbour was an important crossing point for the export trade in bullocks to what is now Germany and the Netherlands. In the 19th century, there was progress everywhere, as Assens was industrialised. The defeat in 1864 and the Lillebelt Bridge from 1935 took the central importancefrom Assens. But take a look by your self.

Created by Bechterew

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