Angels and Demons: A Paranormal Adventure

You have been asked to assist with an investigation looking into paranormal disturbances along the road which runs between Calvary and Bellefontaine cemeteries. Police report that something is causing motorists to crash into the fences along Calvary Avenue after dark. No evidence of the cause of the incidents has ever been found at the scene. Grabbing your backpack filled with ghost-hunting gear, you drive along Calvary Avenue. You take note of the damaged sections of fence, most of which appears to be on the Calvary Cemetery side of the road. Reminder: It is recommended that you drive to all the locations, which should take you less than an hour to complete. Please be aware that Calvary and Bellefontaine are active cemeteries -- be respectful and avoid disturbing a funeral service or others visiting their loved ones. Keep contact with gravestones to a minimum. Cemetery hours are 8:00am to 4:00pm. The coordinates to a bonus cache (GC8Z8KB) will be added to your Adventure Lab journal after completion.

Created by L Frank

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