Danmarks kedeligste by

I 1994 kårede P4 Allerslev til Danmarks kedeligste by. Siden da er både plejehjem og købmand lukket. Og kroen der allerede den gang var lukket er for nyligt blevet revet ned. Der er dog stadig gang i kirken og fodboldklubben. Kåringen kom efter at et par teenage tvillingepiger havde skrevet til P4 og endte op med at P4 kom og afholdt en fest i byen. Man kan finde et indslag fra TV avisen her http://extranet.uv.khs.dk/materiale/DA_IT_04/opgave-02/opgave-02.html English: In 1994 Danish public radio chose Allerslev as the most boring town in Denmark. Since then both the retirementhome and the grocery store has closed down. And the inn which was already shut then has recently been demolished. The church and football club are still running though. The selection came after a pair of twin teenage girls had written to the radio programme and ended up with the radio hosting a party in the town and the story was also on national news.

Created by mr.-oda

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