Højbyen Kalundborg

Velkommen til Kalundborg. Kalundborgs historie går helt tilbage til Vikingetiden. Men vi skal kun høre lidt omkring 1200 tallet. Kalundborg var engang et af Danmarks Riges allervigtigste byer. I 1600 tallet staves Kalundborg -->> Kallingborg. Denne labcache omhandler nogle af disse gamle borg steder. Esbern Snare, Vestborgen, Kalundborg Kirke, Det gamle Rådhus og Kalundborg Slot. GOD TUR - - - - - - - - Welcome to Kalundborg. Kalundborg is a city which history is dating back to the Viking Age. In this labcache you will learn about the 13th century and Kalundborg Højby. Kalundborg was once one of Denmark's most important cities. In the 1600s Kalundborg was spelled Kallingborg. Your trip will be to some of these old castle-Ruin places. Esbern Snare, West Borgen, Kalundborg Church, The old town hall and Kalundborg Castle. Enjoy your walk

Created by SnowBoat

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