Welcome to Ashland, World Headquarters of Nice People!
Ashland was originally named Uniontown by William Montgomery. Mr. Montgomery laid out 40 lots of land and built a cabin on one of the lots. He distilled whiskey and operated a tannery. Daniel Carter built a cabin on the southeast corner of Main and Center Streets, while Elias Slocum had a tavern named the Franklin Tavern on the other corner on the south side of the street. Joseph Sheets owned the first store in Uniontown. His family also owned 90 acres south of Main Street, which was developed into what was referred to as South Ashland in 1846. Settlers continued to relocate to Uniontown, mostly from New York, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania. By 1830, the town hosted 235 residents including cabinet makers, shoemakers, hatters, and teachers.
This little walking tour will take you to a few noted places in the downtown area. Parking is readily available.
Created by Team Hugapug63
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