R65 Trifecta

[Please note that this AdLab is not linked with the official Geocaching HQ20 event.] The Trifecta refers to a specific set of three geocache sites within the Pacific Northwest. Attempting to complete the Trifecta is a popular goal of geocachers traveling to the Seattle/Portland area and we really recommend it. The three geocaches considered as the Trifecta are the recently re-discovered Project A.P.E. cache container (GC1169), the Original Stash Tribute Plaque (GCGV0P) and the Geocaching Headquarters (GCK25B). We have also added the Peace Arch (GCD65A) and the location of the 20th Anniversary event (GC896PK). When you start this AdLab, please be careful not to get your feet wet when you enjoy the views of the Space needle. Top tip for taking a picture is to use the Panoramic feature, but vertically. This is what we like about geocaching, you can play the game your way and are able to update/change your goals along the way.

Created by Roan65

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