Ptuj: skozi Luigijeve oči / through Luigi's eyes

Luigi Kasimir (1881-1962), na Ptuju rojeni slikar svetovnega slovesa, je v svoji dolgi karieri ustvaril tudi nekaj izjemnih upodobitev Ptuja. V tej avanturi boste obiskali štiri lokacije, katerih podobo v letih 1924-1942 je umetnik zamrznil v času. Primerjajte takratno in današnjo podobo Ptuja. Se je zelo spremenila? Več o Luigiju preberite v opisu bonus zaklada GCAJY6B. Koordinate dobite ob zaključku avanture. Kasimirjeve grafike so razstavljene v Miheličevi galeriji v Dravskem stolpu, kjer si jih lahko ogledate. Luigi Kasimir (1881-1962), world famous painter born in Ptuj, created several exceptional cityscapes of Ptuj in his long career. This adventure takes you to four locations. Their images were frozen in time in 1924-1942 by the artist. Compare the image of Ptuj now and then. Has it changed a lot? Read more about Luigi in the listing of bonus cache GCAJY6B. Get the coordinates by completing the adventure. Kasimir's prints are exhibited in Mihelič Gallery in Drava Tower and can be viewed there.

Created by icabrian

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