Albia Iowa, A Walk Back In Time

This tour will take you on a tour of the square in Albia, Iowa. You will be looking for a plaque at each stop with the history of that building. Albia, the county seat of Monroe County, was first incorporated as a town in 1856, The town was first surveyed in 1845 when it was known as Princeton. The public park in the center of the square was a tangled mass of wild grass and willows. Then about half way across the square, on the South side, stood the shanty of Dr. Warrick. On the East stood the court-house. One block north of the northeast corner of the square stood a little log jail. On April 4,1904 a fire damaged eighteen businesses on the South side of the square. A few months earlier a fire destroyed several business on the West side of the square. This tour will take you to five locations around the square. You are looking for a plaque to find the answer for that location. You will find the coordinates to a bonus cache in the journal when you have completed the Adventure Lab.

Created by Hill Folk

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