National Geographic lists Cape May as a World’s Best destination for birding.
Did you know that Cape May has been a destination point for birds (and bird observers) for over two centuries? Well, we’re sure the birds have been in on the secret for longer but bird observers – among them John Audubon, who set out to paint and describe all the birds of North America – have found Cape May, West Cape May, and Cape May Point to be a migratory Mecca for our fine feathered friends. Cape May County has a tremendous variety of habitats for migrating birds: salt marshes, swamp or wet woods, fresh water marshes and ponds, pine forest, saltwater, grasslands and open fields.
The Cape May peninsula attracts birds — and birders — because of its location and topography. For birds pushing southward, the tip of South Jersey is an ideal stopover, where the land meets the sea.
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