Sandhill Crane Migration

Each fall thousands of Sandhill Cranes arrive at Jasper-Pulaski Fish and Wildlife Area to roost nightly at Goose Pasture, a 300 acre field surrounded by wetlands. At dawn they fly to nearby farm fields to feed and return at dusk again to roost in the safety of the wetland marsh. An observation platform complete with stationary viewing scopes provides a great spot for watching these magnificent birds as they dance and trill at one another. Counts by the DNR are published each week from October thru December. Numbers peak in December sometimes reaching as many as 30,000 Sandhill Cranes. Occasionally their cousins, Whooping Cranes, make an appearance. The large lot provides ample parking. A short walk on a paved path leads to the viewing platform. A separate handicap lot is next to the platform. Restrooms are available. Bring binoculars and your camera! Cranes may also be spotted in February and March as they make their way back to their summer breeding grounds.

Created by TriGamma

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